



一、保護的要件(Requirements for Protection)



  1. 具有先天識別性
  2. 獲得後天識別性(merely descriptiveàacquired distinctiveness, secondary meaning)
  3. 商品通用名稱(generic terms)



(1)1924William R. Warner & Co. v. Eli Lilly & Co.最早出現此概念,但尚無定義

(2)1982Inwood Laboratories, Inc. v. Ives Laboratories, Inc.)第一次定義a product feature is functional, and cannot serve as a trademark, if it is essential to the use or purpose of the article or if it is affects the cost or quality of the article

(3)1995Qualitex Co. v. Jacobson Products Co.斜體部分帶出「美學功能性(aesthetic functionality」之議題that is, if exclusive use of the feature would put competitors at a significant non-reputation-related disadvantageà對美學功能性之定義:「若一顏色並無指認商品或服務來源之功能,即使已取得後天識別性,仍不得註冊。」(Aesthetic functionality is the concept that certain aesthetic aspects of a products’ design or packaging may contribute to its consumer appeal in ways that are unrelated to any origin-identify function and which, therefore, should be denied trademark protection even if they have acquired secondary meaning.)。本案中,法院認為原告使用之顏色並不具備特殊競爭優勢,且同業競爭者尚有其他顏色作為商品設色選擇,故不屬於美學功能性之禁止範疇,得單純以顏色申請商標註冊。

(4)2001TrafFix Devices, Inc. v. Marketing Displays, Inc.討論新型專利(utility patent right)與商標權之關係,認為原告既已取得過新型專利,正證明系爭標識屬於功能性標識,為「實用功能性(utilitarian functionality)」,直接推定此類alternative designs等同於具有實用功能性而不應予以註冊。取代Inwood Laboratories之定義,並主張Qualitex之定義特別針對「美學功能性」,除非該標識符合Inwood Laboratories「非功能性標識」之定義,法院才會需要調查是否此特徵為競爭同業所必須,或者競爭同業有其他選擇可能。

(5)2002Valu Engineering v. Rexnord Corp.則認為,應把alternative designs的實用性部分作為考量該標識是否具有功能性的證據,不必把是否此特徵為競爭同業所必須,或者競爭同業有其他選擇可能」的衡量標準僅限於「美學功能性相關案件。反之,他們採取「四要素」作為此類標識之判斷標準:

  1. The existence of a utility patent disclosing the utilitarian advantages of the design新型專利權的存在透露了該設計’(design)的實用性優勢
  2. Advertising materials in which the originator of the design touts the design’s utilitarian advantages商標權人在廣告中吹捧該設計的實用性優勢
  3. The availability to competitors of functionally equivalent designs競爭同業是否可以取得相同功能的設計
  4. Facts indicating that the design results in a comparatively simple or cheap method of manufacturing the product事實表明該設計產生了相對簡單或廉價的製造產品的方法

2.禁止功能性商標之立法目的(早於Lanham Act)

  1. 促進公平競爭,確保其他競爭者亦能複製該產品之有用特徵(useful features)
  2. 防止與專利法之衝突,避免商標法針對功能性商品,提供類似於專利權但卻是永久的權利保護
  3. 案例:藥劑師使用便宜藥品取代昂貴藥品
    1. 不可禁止被告繼續使用巧克力成分,因巧克力成分屬於功能性特徵
    2. (Inwood Laboratories, Inc. v. Ives Laboratories, Inc.)膠囊顏色並無識別性,且該顏色為功能性特徵

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